Web design Artwork by OUTLAW BY DESIGN 



1. CREDITS Please apply the Credits

Tutorial by: ©Sassy n Simple

You can copy and paste
 But here are the links if you need them


I would  Like to Thank the Babs_SassynSimple_TagsnTuts
Testers for testing my tutorial for me.

2. My Tutorials are not to be copied or placed on any website blog or any other place...

3. SHARING of my tutorials must be done with a Link to my website. 

4. Please do not use in any groups without my written consent to do so.

5. Please do not translate my tutorials without my written consent to do so.

6. My tutorials are for Free to Use things only at no time are they to be used for profit.

Please feel Free to contact if you have any question

However I will not tolerate rude behavior or harassment which is against the law.


Make a Free Website with Yola.